Cool Runnings 2024

On Saturday July 13th 2024 we’re hosting our Cool Runnings Edition. We have 3 tracks this year across Microsoft Fabric, Synapse Analytics, Power BI, and AI.

Winter Edition 2024

On Saturday February 3rd 2024 we’re hosting our Winter Edition.  We have 3 tracks this year across Microsoft Fabric, Synapse Analytics, Power BI, and AI.

Cool Runnings June 2023

On Saturday June 24th 2023 we’re back again for our summer Cool Runnings edition of Data Toboggan . We have a great line-up of speakers and sessions and the keynote will be delivered by Kim Manis, Partner Director of Product Management for Synapse Analytics.  Click the button below to register.

Cool Runnings July 2022

On July 9th 2022 we host the summer edition of Data Toboggan, Cool Runnings, with 28 sessions and over 20 speakers. The keynote will be delivered by Kim Manis, Partner Director of Product Management for Synapse Analytics. Please click the image below for the full agenda.

Winter Edition 2022

In January 2022 we hosted the 3rd Data Toboggan conference, with 19 sessions and 16 speakers. The keynote was delivered by Kim Manis, Partner Director of Product Management for Synapse Analytics. Please click on a session image below to view the recorded session on YouTube.